I choose Love.

“What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Luke 18:41

The inky black darkness filled my line of sight, and fear crept into my experience.  I considered turning away, hiding behind the comfort of avoidance and denial, my old familiar friends. 

“It’s time,” the gentle voice within seemed to say.  

Something inside me shifted.  A confident Peace washed over me like a soft breath, or maybe more like a brief gust of wind.  Intentional.  Beautiful.

I became present to the murky darkness before me, and I looked directly at it.  I did not want it to be there, yet there it was. Without thought, I silently and confidently spoke the words that I can only describe as having been placed directly into my heart by Spirit. 

“I choose Love.”  

Instantly, the darkness before me dissolved, melting down into Mother Earth.

Love had simply conquered the darkness, and it was then that I remembered.

“I choose Love.”  

I choose Love.


And again.  

And again.  

And again.

As long as I have breath in my lungs, I choose Love. 

Thank you, dear teachers, for helping me remember this.  Thank you for reminding me that I always have a choice.  Thank you, Spirit, for speaking on my behalf in that moment, and therefore allowing me to see in a way I wasn’t expecting but is exactly as I needed it to be.  

I choose Love.  This is it.  It is who I am.  It is where I come from and to where I will some day return. It is my quest to remember it and choose it again and again.

Love, sweet sweet Love. 

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. 1 John 4:16

Photo by Tim Zänkert

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