Real Kickass Spirituality

Maybe real kickass spirituality is all about showing up as we are in this moment.  Maybe it’s about planting our feet on the earth and rolling up our sleeves and getting real dirt under our fingernails and allowing ourselves to be.   Maybe real kickass spirituality comes from offering our services to the world and the people we love. 

Maybe real kickass spirituality is about sitting in this moment and noticing how it feels, however painful or uncomfortable or enjoyable that may be.  

Maybe real kickass spirituality is deliberately noticing the warm water on our skin as we wash the dishes that have piled up in our sink.  Maybe it’s making that phone call and leaning in when someone we love is experiencing pain. 

Maybe it’s allowing ourselves to feel all the shit feelings and all the bliss feelings without reaching for a vice to soften or celebrate. 

Maybe real kickass spirituality isn’t just in the clouds with the rainbows and the harps and the angels.  Maybe it’s right here in this beautifully messed up moment, asking us to stick with it for a while.

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