Finding Your Way: Advice to the Girl I Was, From the Woman I Am

  1. Your quiet nature is a blessing, and it will serve you well.  The word to describe this nature is introverted.  Despite what society may tell you, it is NOT a character flaw.  Embrace it, and send a real or imaginary high five to other introverts.  They likely feel the same societal pressures to be something they are not.
  2. If you find yourself down-in-the-dumps often, be sure you aren’t spending your time with people that aren’t right for you.  When you find your tribe of interesting, unique, quirky, spirited individuals, they will love you as you are, and they will appreciate you.  Your humor and ideas will flow easily, and you will feel good in their presence. Even if you only find one other person to join your tribe, that’s okay!  But if you feel like you need to be someone other than your true self around the people you are choosing to spend time with, then you aren’t spending time with the right people.  
  3. It takes more courage to ask for help than it does to act like you can do it alone. Be courageous. If you still feel down-in-the-dumps often, even when you are sharing your time with people who support the REAL you, then reach out to a trusted adult.  Tell them that you want to talk to someone to help you sort out your feelings. Change counselors if your needs aren’t being met. No big deal. Regular people (kids, teens, and adults) see counselors ALL THE TIME. 
  4. Do your best not to compare yourself to others.  You are a natural observer and thinker, and these two traits can cause you to want to be more like the people you see, but remember that in order to be more like another person, you need to be less of yourself.  God has given you unique strengths, weaknesses (yes, even your weaknesses are a gift!), interests, and a one-of-a-kind sense of humor. All these traits combine to form the YOU that is perfectly imperfect.  The same can be said for other people and their traits.  Embrace these gifts, and please be unapologetically you, without hiding any of your true self. It takes bravery, but this is your purpose on this planet.   
  5. Find what you love to do, and do more of it.  This might involve trying new activities and stepping out of your comfort zone.  Go for it! Try it and see. If you love it, do more of it. If you don’t love it, try something else.
  6. Enjoy the beauty of nature.  It has always been calling you.  Walk in the moonlight. See wild animals in their habitat.  Feel your bare feet on the cool earth. Smell the salty air of the sea.  Listen to the birds sing. Gaze into a natural body of water. Watch the shadows of the trees dance.  Make time for nature, notice it, immerse yourself in it, and do what you can to protect it. It loves you always. 
  7. Be kind, and always find ways to serve others.  You will literally sleep better knowing you are helping, and we are all one living, breathing organism anyway.  Love others and love yourself.  
  8. Follow YOUR path.  Not sure if what you are doing at this moment is on your path?  Here’s a trick: if you feel like you are betraying yourself, in any way, then it is not your path.  Good news is, you can always reroute.  
  9. You will make mistakes.  Mistakes are great! They mean you are living and trying and putting yourself out there.  It’s tempting to stay in the safe zone so you don’t make a fool of yourself, but this is not the path for you.  You are meant to live. Make mistakes, and view them as battle wounds. Wear them with pride. Learn from them. They are indicators that you tried something, messed up, and survived.  Doing so automatically makes you a member of the tribe known as the human race. Welcome!
  10. It is not your job to make other people happy.  Be kind, but know that everyone is responsible for their own happiness.  You included. With that being said, if you make a mistake and hurt someone you love, apologize. 
  11. Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Some moments, some seasons will feel really hard. Try to remember that every single feeling you will ever feel is both totally okay and totally temporary.  No matter how big an emotion feels right now, it will pass. This is easier to comprehend when you experience a positive emotion; it is more difficult when you experience a negative one.  But learning to be comfortable with discomfort is so very important, and with practice, it is so very possible. See #12.
  12. When you don’t know what else to do or are seeking answers to life’s questions, simply find a quiet spot, sit, close your eyes, and notice your breath.  Practice doing this, and I swear it will set you on the right path. Within your breath right now is where you can feel God and experience freedom.  It is also where you can find me. I am you, and I am with you always because I have already been there, in this exact moment, as you.  I love you, and I can feel you.  Wild, huh? Take one moment at a time, and let Divine love flow through you.  Within that, you will always be on your way.  

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